Cardio Floor Work 

with INGA!

This virtual cardio fitness class combines foxy stripper floorwork moves, mat-based conditioning, and gentle flexibility training to get 1 hour of sweaty, sexy fun. Taught by Miss Exotic World 2018 INGA!

Open to all levels. KNEE PADS ARE REQUIRED. Students should wear comfortable, slim-fitting athletic attire and socks; knees, shins, and feet must be covered. Platform shoes can be worn optionally, for those who want an extra challenge!

Safety note: Students with serious knee injuries and/or chronic knee issues are advised to use caution in this class. INGA will give movement options for sensitive knees.

*This virtual live stream class is held ONLINE. Class access information provided in registration confirmation email.



Mondays 5 pm PDT

Instructor:  INGA

$15 drop-in
